Recitation 3: Sensors by Linhui Wu

Lab Date: Mar.1, 2019
Instructor: Marcela
Lab Partner: Daniel Qin 


  • Arduino
  • USB
  • Wire
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper cables
  • Vibration Sensor 
  • Joystick 
  • Buzzer

My teammate and I have finished two different types of circuits and one combined circuit. We first choose the vibration sensor. We need a piezo element to produce voltage, and this shocks me because I didn’t know how the vibration caused by knock can produce. At first, I want to use power and my teammate stopped me and explained the reasons. A piezo is an electronic device that generates a voltage when it’s physically deformed by vibration, sound wave, or mechanical strain. Similarly, when you put a voltage across a piezo, it vibrates and creates a tone. Piezos can be used both to play tones and to detect tones. What’s more, we need a 1 Megohm resistor to protect the analog, and the megohm resistor should be parallel to the piezo. We succeed to monitor the “knock”, and we find it is very interesting, and our piezo element is very sensitive because it can detect even very minimal vibration. We even change the “knock” into a waveform to display the level of the vibration.  

But we find a problem, even we don’t touch it, there is voltage, and we found that we hadn’t demonstrated the “threshold”, then we correct it. It is easy to miss coding. 

Then we choose another sensor joystick Module. We succeed in building up a circuit, and Marcela recommends us to combine something like a LED or a buzzer, we choose to connect a buzzer. The first time, whichever we operate the joystick, the buzzer display the same level sound and duration. Then we realized that we didn’t add the condition “if” expression.  


In the recitation, we want to assemble the buzzer and joystick module. I think it can be used as computer game equipment. The X,  Y, and Z can change the direction of the player and the buzzer can be used as an indicator of game consequence, if the game player chooses the wrong direction then the buzzer will give a “danger” signal. 


First of all, coding and cooking both require clear logic and a series of steps. If you miss an important step or some important coding language, then the project can’t work. It is just like cooking if you miss some flavors,  the dish will taste bad. Besides, different persons can produce different food with personalized taste, like coding, if you use the same language but different process and details, the consequence will be really different.


The computer plays an important role in our life. Compared with decades ago, the computer gives human a platform to communicate. People more share their feelings on the internet and make friends on the internet. People more and more regard computers as a necessary assistant in work and life. You can not imagine what life will be if there is no computer. What’s more, people use a computer to produce something amazing and unbelievable, for example, some App, some designs,  do engineering. It just like a powerful brain. People never to remember large files becasue we can use the computer to keep it. We write less and less because typing is more comvenient. 

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