Week 3 – JavaScript Exercise – Bonnie Chan

Link: http://imanas.shanghai.nyu.edu/~bc2328/commlab/week-3/recitation/

Process: I was able to finish a lot of the JavaScript exercise during recitation on Thursday through reading and looking over the code from the exercise that we had done on Wednesday. I was able to easily understand how to implement javascript into my HTML as well as manipulating my HTML. I think at first I had some trouble figuring out how to connect my javascript code to my HTML but was then able to easily able to figure it out through googling. The next trouble I had was trying to decorate my buttons. Since I had created a div and called a class at first in order to change the style in my CSS sheet, it did not work because it was not directly affecting each button. After moving around the CSS code as well as the ids I used for each button, I was able to figure out that each button needed to be individually classed before being able to decorate them. I struggled a little with the labeling but was ultimately able to figure it out.

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