Week 3: Interactive Comic Idea – Chloe & Allie


Chloe and I had the idea of creating a comic with a storyline which follows each of our lives up until the point where we first met in NYUSH Communication Lab. We discussed that we want to create a timeline where when the user clicks on a specific period of time they will be directed to a split screen that will show what both Chloe and I were doing at that time. More details regarding what we imagine our project will look like can be found in the text below.


  • We illustrate a timeline of both our lives leading up to the point where we meet in NYU Shanghai, the extraneous circumstances that lead us to be where we are today.
  • We decided to tell the story by using a split screen that will allow the user to see what the both of us were doing at a specific point in time.
  • Allow the user to click on certain objects in the panel that will pop up allowing the reader to learn more


  • We aren’t exactly sure how we were going to go about illustrating the comics, but I think that we will use our knowledge of photoshop to put together a comic.
  • We will also draw upon outside resources to find images to support our comic.


  • We are using Javascript to move the story along, there will be a fixed timeline at the bottom of the comic and the readers will be able to drag an icon along the timeline in order to advance the story.
  • The timeline will illustrate the year
  • The icon that is dragged across the screen will be a small airplane.

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