Week 3: Comic Idea – Sebastian Lau (Chen)

At first, we were looking at some of our interests to see if there were any topics we could write a comic about. We didn’t really have any so we took a look at some of the examples. We both agreed that whatever we did do should have a story. At first, we were thinking of doing something based on Japanese anime as I am somewhat familiar with them and there would be lots of source pictures we could use if we couldn’t really make the art ourselves. However, after looking at a poem we thought about doing a poem translation where we would both look at a poem (one of us would look at a poem in English and the other would look at the same poem but in Chinese). The interactivity would come in where the user could hover over lines and see our interpretations of the same line in the form of pictures. As we were looking for poems I came across a poem titled ‘Medusa’ that I had read in high school and thoroughly enjoyed. After a bit of discussion, we decided to do a story where the readers could go through ‘Medusa’ and see how the lines of the poem could be visualized (as it’s quite a visual poem). 

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