Week 3 – Comic Idea – Milly & Ying


As for our interactive comics, the inspiration comes from the Pokemon Go’s movie: Detective Pikachu. It’s a really quite character, thus, we would like to design an adventure with Pikachu.


We suppose the reader, you(the reader) plays the role of the companion of the detective Pikachu.  You and Pikachu are good partners that have solved a lot of tough cases. And one day, the new challenge appears——investigate the abandoned and shabby apartment building, which is said to be haunted.

This task comes from a client who’s working for removing the abandoned buildings in an old district. Unfortunately, they are stuck by several weird accidents: something unknown is disturbing their work. Though many people believe it’s probably because of the ghost, you and your lovely companion Pikachu don’t really trust it. Therefore, you come to the place at night to seek for the truth… After a series of events, you finally get the answer——it’s because of another pokemon, whose master has been dead for years. He tries to protect the place where used to be his family…


Though we plan to match the style of background scenes with the characters to make the scene look better, it probably wouldn’t work due to the time limitation. Thus, it’s probably better for us to transform the picture with ps or other picture-dealing apps do keep a similar style.

As for the interaction part, we first plan to continue the conversation by clicking or scrolling; besides, as for the investigation part, the readers could go and examine the surrounding by themselves. And we also try to let the characters interact with the plot with some change of gestures or facial expressions.

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