Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Tristan Murdoch

What Did We Do?

In this recitation, the goal was to begin using Arduino’s functions. We built four circuits: the first was a “fade” circuit using a resistor and an LED; the second was “toneMelody,” and included just a speaker; the third and fourth circuits were 2- and 4-player “speed games,” respectively. These fade and the toneMelody circuits, shown below, were fairly simple:

The last two were much more complicated in the first two. For the 2-player game we were given a schematic with a buzzer, two LEDs, two switches, and four resistors (two 10k ohms and two 220 ohm). This one just took time, but we built it on the first try:

However, the last circuit (optional) was much more difficult. We used another group’s functioning 2-player circuit but removed the speaker as we only needed one. Within the code, we added 2 more players and remapped the LED output and switch inputs to other areas, as the first two players already used those slots. There were many attempts, and the trouble was mainly fixing the code, not with the wiring. Below is a video of our 4 player game functioning, as well as a schematic detailing how we set it up:

Reflection: The codes were complicated, but the circuiting made sense to me. I feel like this recitation gave me the necessary skills to work with basic functions of Arduino. If I did this again, I would color code the wires and organize them better in the final product so the I could more clearly see what is going on.

Question 1:  I interact with technology every day, when I type on my keyboard, when I turn the lights in my dorm on or off, or even when I press buttons in the elevator. In the circuits, especially the last two we made, we are sending information (either via code or via buttons that we press) and the technology responds depending on what we send or do. I

Interaction occurs when one thing, be it a computer or an organism, receives information, and outputs information based on what it initially observed or received. There must be an action, an interpretation and a reaction.

Question 2: If I had 100,000 LEDs (and the proper coding knowledge) I would be selfish and put them on my ceiling in the dorms. They would write out messages on the ceiling for whatever situation I code them for. Maybe they would tell me 15 minutes before each shuttle bus leaves. Or perhaps they could flash when someone knocks on the door, although that is quite useless.

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