Profile Page (Vivian Zhu)


Here is my profile page, where I have a very brief introduction about myself.  I changed the layout of my profile quite much from the Week1 edition, in order to make it more fancy. Besides following the previous lectures’ knowledge of designing a webpage, I also used other tags like “background pic” and create buttons for the page, and used “text-shadow” to make the text looks clearer. 

The title of my page is “Something About Me”. Then I arranged four buttons to archive details about myself. I will link them to other pages I created later. Below the buttons is the motto of my life: “We think things from what we are, not what they are.” This sentence hits me because it makes me think about the things around myself: do I vision them from my egoistic perspective or they are right the things as they are? This confusion keeps me to explore the world. 

The photo is positioned at the center with a border filled with gradient colors of white and gray. I made the text at the very end simply, because I just want to give audience a hint what they will find on my website.

However, during the process of building this page, there are two challenges or problems that I bumped into and which haven’t been solved. Firstly, I tried to link “my portfolio” site to my profile page, but somehow it doesn’t work. Secondly, though there is a “button” tag which could be directly used in HTML, somehow it doesn’t work and I had to change it into <div> to create buttons (hence making an underline in each text in the buttonbox). 

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