NOC – Week 2: OOP – Katie Pellegrino

Assignment 2

Link to Assignment

After browsing the internet, I found inspiration for my sketch. My sketch looks nothing like the sketch that inspired me, however, it helped me think about the possibilities of p5 and think deeper about coding.

I first created the Particles class, similar to in class. I tested having the particles move with Perlin Noise, however, this made them shake like an earthquake. Instead, I left them moving at random speeds along with leaving their initial placement as a random place on the screen.

I used Perlin Noise to adjust the size of the particles. which gave the impression that they were breathing. I played around with using the particles with a fill color or with an outline, and settled on having them outlined because it made them look almost like cells. I then adjusted the background to gradually increase and decrease transparency, thus allowing the particles to periodically leave trails behind simulating odd cell/slugs.

My initial idea, which can be found commented out in my code file, was to attempt to draw a line between dots if they are within a certain distance from each other. But I had trouble implementing the distance formula correctly.

Another unsuccessful implementation was the shuffle(); method which I originally wanted to be a mouse interaction in which the dots scatter from the mouse. So if the mouse gets too close to the particles, they move away from it. But similarly, I wasn’t sure how to implement a distance function. So I adjusted the method to be essentially the wind(); method from our class example.

Overall, I found that using OOP really helps to organize the code and make the process much more logical.

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