Kinetic Light Color Studies–Eric(Candy Bi)

Assignment 1


I choose the chromatic blue for my background as it create a relaxing atmosphere. To distinguish those rectangles I added to the background, I chose some warm color.


When thinking about saturated color, the first that come into my mind is red, thus I made the background of this assignment red. This time, the shapes I cutted are much random than assignment1. This project gives a feeling of modern art as I wanted.


While playing around with the three data of color:hue, saturation, and brightness, I used a lot of constract color that I always like. Through this assignment, for the first time, I really feel like begin to understand color in a new way. How color works really fascinates me.


For assignment4, I was thinking about the color of autumn during the prodection. I change the hue for the first color sequence saturation for the second color sequence. Together they form a comfortable sequence of autumn color that I want.



The theme that I set for myself for this assignment was water. The floating and shiny water is really facinating. I feel like the most important feature of water is transparency. To achieve such effect, I choose the dreamlike color of blue, purple and pink with black and white as suplement. Together they make me feel like the shiny water in the sunshine. I emphasizes the dynamic of several circles moving outwards.

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