W3: “Eco-tech” – Eva

Although lengthy, the article “Eco-tech Fashion: Rationalizing Technology in Sustainable Fashion” was very captivating. From the very first example Scaturro introduced, about bamboo behind the “facade of ‘naturalness’ “,  the author broke down my preconceived ideas of ecofashion by providing context which allowed for reflection. The noted transformation of ecofashion was described as “forward-thinking, style-driven, and fundamentally technology-focused”. This description really intrigued me, especially as we acknowledge the introduction of technology with fashion. The role of the Digital Age influence is very rapidly spreading globally in all fields from medicine, to politics, to arts, and so on- therefore it is very important to keep track of its imprints. Just as the author explains, it is easy to only recognise the surface as the full story and dismiss the technicalities. That is how consumers fall into mass mentality and shun deeper investigation. I am realising the extent of focus that is targeted at the consumer, especially as the consumer is most often unaware of the efforts. This reading is helpful in our development of the final project, as we are able to take the conclusion in to consideration (“By rationally exploiting both the material and digital manifestations of technology to achieve an ethical and sustainable ideal, eco-tech fashion succeeds in pushing the entire fashion system forward towards a promising future.”) which  directly targets the attention towards long-term impact. 

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