A14_Melody Project(Candy)

Link to P5

Inspiration and concept:

Composing music by making notes on the stave.

How a traditional stave can be transformed to be an art piece?

Video Demo 1 & Video Demo 2

Music and design decisions:

Shapes and colors.

Abandon the horizontal lines.

How it works:

Melody Sequencer:

1)”Tone.Sampler” for scale.

2) Change style for each pitch

User control:

1) Change “steps” value and draw dots accordingly.

2) “Tone.Transport.bpm.value = speed” for speed control

3) Keypressed to change instrument and reset.

Challenges and future work:

Change steps control is the most struggling part.

For futer work, I am thinking about allowing users to control different instruments at the same time to form a band.

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