Week 2: Response to “Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art” By: Scott McCloud – Tenielle Ellis

Comics is merely the medium…the messenger but not the message itself. Scott McCloud shows, not tells us what comics are and how they are defined in his eyes. This reminds me of the previous reading we had about how technology is merely the medium to internet, as is electricity is a medium to light.  We tend to look at things and determine that what you see is what you get, but we don’t look deeper into it. 

I really admire the way he decides to tell the audience his viewpoints on things because it’s not too pushy for the reader, but at the same time he uses examples and history of comics to explain his point which I think makes his argument strong. Like a paper, an argument always needs examples and reference points to back it up, and he showed that in such a different light using the concept of comics, his humor, and diving into what comics really represent, what they are, and not just hitting the surface level. 

Lastly, I really like the way in the last chapter (4), he approached the readers in a more emotional and psychological way. Explaining how the use of space that the author uses is critical to portraying the message that is trying to be conveyed. Also explaining that each drawing in a comic is so carefully drawn and carefully placed and put, so that to evoke the emotions that the author is trying to get from the readers. 

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