“The Machine Stops” – Bonnie Chan

Its only been three days since I’ve arrived in Shanghai, but the use of QR codes and technology show a shocking similarity to the society described by Forester.  The experiences of the physical world through physical sensations will soon be nuances and disregarded elements of physical reality. The idea that text messages and phone calls now become mediums that strengthen the relationships between individuals rather than the physical experiences and memories that are made together. Our society has reached a point where pixels have replaced the presence of an individual and the basic societal norms pre-technology is now dismissed. The physical five senses that is the basis of memories and experiences is no longer needed. The imperfections of the world are no longer enjoyed. Instead, individuals prefer the beauty of a man made reality that will yield to any preferences they have. Curiosity and creativity that had fueled our society to progress at the fast pace it had will soon be diminished by the technology that is so readily available to us.

Our need to share perspectives and ideas will then become nonexistent as the Internet becomes a place where all information can be found. Information and arguments that are now given are often simply other’s thoughts taken from the Internet. Our own contributions to different perspectives are no longer made, as different physical experiences don’t create distinct individual memories that fuel each person’s unique opinions. The machine that has been a submissive aid will soon become the very thing individuals yield and accommodate for. We often forget that the basis of the universe and physical reality is comprised of the physical things that we disregard. Soon, our digital society will make us forget to take a look at the very things that had made the development of technology possible. A society that had been a hodgepodge of cultures and perspectives will soon transform into a monotonous society governed by machines. Would we still remember what it was like before technology if machines were to stop now..? Would our society come to a halt as we readjust ourselves and return to the roots of our world? Perhaps that is what we need in order to create a powerful collaboration between technology and physical reality in order to gain the most benefits from both sides of the spectrum. 

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