TOP 4 for accurate, prophetic, powerful

  1. Is 5G a Game Changer for VR and AR? (yes!)
    Sifting Reality From Hype: What 5G Does (and Doesn’t) Mean for VR & AR

5G boosts up the speed for communication and can transfer bigger and more data, which means this is a lot better than 4G as VR and AR need huge amount of pixel data to be processed all the time, and to make sure everything work well in the user communication, fast transfer speed is definitely needed.

2.New wearable skin lets you touch things in VR and and be touched, too

Haptic interaction is a lot better than a hand controller, as your way of interaction is fixed on the shape of a controller with the touch pads and buttons on it. Wearable skin will give more ways of controlling in VR while using your tactus, and can also feel the pressure and strength, for example, when the user is grabing or catching something.

3.Brain interface

Using brain interface is a very powerful way of controlling the VR devices, as this extends the ways of interaction, we can do all the stuff based on the signals given by brain. I am thinking of using this for the application of a deep diving experience, that you can sense everything in the VR world like in real life, even though this can be dangerous, but this is very interesting.

4.Create An Entire Home Gym With Oculus Quest

The scale of VR experience can be bigger than what we have now, we can utilize the space around us in a lot more ways than we can image, we can change our rooms into any place we want. Changing the home into a gym from my perspective, is just a trial for a bigger change. There are going to be more designs for home VR. This is just a beginning.

TOP 4 for off-track, clueless, and ridiculous.

1.Phone-based VR is officially over

I do not think that phone-based VR is already over, even though the phones nowadays do not have enough spec for supporting a VR application in terms of power and many factors. But I think there are going to be improvement on phone development, so there are possibilities that the power problem will be solved, and the processing power will be a lot better.

2.Virtual graffiti

I just don’t like it, I cannot really think of a practical way of interaction of such application, nobody will keep using their phone to look around and paint around, it does not make sense for me. Also the cotent of the paintings made by users are hard to regulate.

3.Facebook: We Don’t Collect Or Store Quest Camera Or Guardian Data

Impossible, I just do not believe these kind of news. When using the VR headset, the camera is collecting the data of our whole body, this is related to user privacy.

4.Facebook announces Horizon, a VR massive-multiplayer world

This is going to be a failure. The avatar looks creepy, and how Mark has described the world makes me feel unsure, he promises to have much freedom to controll everything around you, firstly I just do not think it is possible to make everything controllable in a virtual world, especially it is a VR application, also the regulation in Horizon is going to be  a problem, how to detect the violations, what is the penalty, a lot more can be problems.

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