VR/AR News of the Week – Top/Worst News


  • VR Fitness
    • What I found most interesting in this article is the new Fitness VR/AR experience called Mirror. I actually had the opportunity to see the product in person (whilst visiting a very boujie friend of mine) and let me tell you the experience was UNREAL. Personally, I like working out with others whether it be in a class, with a trainer, or just friends but having someone with you at the gym isn’t always a possibility. Mirror is a prime example of how AR/VR can be implemented in the world of fitness – a multi-billion dollar industry! I especially like this feature because it transforms a product so ingrained in our lives (a mirror) and gives it a fresh new take. My experience was quite enjoyable and I can see this product being used in the homes of high-end consumers, fitness addicts, and luxury gyms. The mirror experience was refreshing and it is exciting to see an iteration of AR/VR without the use of headsets or apps through mobile devices. Looking forward to what comes next! Maybe a VR dumbbell that looks like a slice of Pizza would be nice (lol). 


  • VR Meals/Experiences 
    • My favorite AR/VR experiences are ones that incorporate both the digital and physical worlds. The article by Bloomberg showcases a top-tier restaurant that utilizes the functionality of AR/VR headsets giving fine dining a new meaning. Users would put on these headsets and enjoy a multi-course meal all while having a digital VR experience. I can see this methodology being implemented in other physical experiences (or at least I hope I see more). We’re already seen this done in amusement parks with rollercoasters that incorporate AR/VR headsets but seeing done with meals is SPECTACULAR!! I can see AR/VR implemented in other common human lifestyle experiences and I’d love to see companies utilize new tech to revolutionize the consumer lifestyle market or one that helps others. This article is reminiscent of an example I’ve seen where burn victims wear VR headsets to help alleviate the pain – this type of implementation is one that I’d love to see more of! 

  • VR Tours 
    • C’mon NOW!!! This was incredible. I probably spent the most time on this experience because the accuracy was none other. This is probably the most exciting part of this VR experience – how accurate the photogrammetry was. This feature revolutionizes the travel and leisure industry, but where I see it going is the ability for historians to use this as a platform for documenting areas that are constantly changing or endangered. Endangered in the sense that natural disasters or global warming have made a tremendous negative impact on the landscape. Some areas that come to mind are sinking countries or cities like Tuvalu and Venice. It can also be a tool that can document regions that are vastly unexplored and give insight into locations that are often misrepresented by media outlets. The tour factor is great, I’d love to see it done in museums like the Uffizi in Florence, but the underlying capabilities of documentation to shine a light on issues greater than itself is a huge “selling’ point for me. 

  • Virtual Graffiti 
    • This article was really interesting to me in the sense that it questions the use of public space. Graffiti is often prohibited in a majority of the world, while others see it as a form of art. However, the real question is, “How do we monitor or identify who gets to graffiti what and where?” This brings to the forefront issues regarding space and accessibility. If AR/VR graffiti is open to all, how do we identify the legality of it? How do we decide who gets to graffiti what? Will it be monetized? I’m an artist at heart and I’m all for a new form of creative outlet and freedom but this is a tricky situation. I’d love to see how online graffiti or locations stamps evolve and how individual consumers/artists will utilize this tool and if big businesses will see this as a form of marketing and take over (hopefully not). This spans beyond graffiti and really puts into question the accessibility of the VR/AR worls and who owns it. 
  • VR Camera by Adobe 
    • AR/VR camera use is an area that is not foreign to me. We’ve seen it utilize by large corporations like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook but we have yet to see a digital agency that caters to artists like Adobe. I don’t think this the app’s final form just yet. I think it will evolve over time and I’m hoping it becomes a platform or tool that artists can use to create VR/AR experiences on a more accessible and professional level. Photoshop, Illustrator, and many of their applications have become industry staples and I’m looking forward to the day that a high-level application will be developed for students and professionals alike. Maybe this time, the learning curve wouldn’t be so steep – oh and free for students :). 


    • Better Milk via VR (Cows in VR)
    • https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/27/us/virtual-reality-russian-dairy-farm-cows-trnd/index.html

We’ve talked about this so much and it never gets old! I totally agree that this is most likely fake~ The article doesn’t say much about the process of how the process is actually conducted. If anything, it looks like an article from The Onion (lol) and leaves a lot of people with questions to the implementation and humane/inhumane aspects of this experience. 
For example:
“How do they supply enough VR headsets, batteries, wires, and etc. to all the cows?”
“Is it humane to give cows a VR experience when they could just be roaming free in a pasture instead of simulating one?”
“How do we know the milk is actually better?” 

  • Sandbox VR – “The Future of sports,  Entertainment, and Storytelling”
  • https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/sandbox-vr-funding-orlando-bloom-katy-perry-justin-timberlake-1203377770/

This VR experience is one that I have a difficult time grasping. I’m a firm believer that although VR/AR experiences can help in documenting real-world experiences – there are a few things that are sometimes best experienced in person. Sandbox VR is claiming that with backers in the music and entertainment industries they are able to recreate the feeling of concerts and other events. For me, at least, I like going to concerts and events because there is a feeling of community within that space. I’m able to meet new people who share the same passions and make memories with friends either new or old. I think it would be extremely difficult to recreate this sense of camaraderie within a VR space and I think this is where Sandbox VR would fall short unless they can somehow create thee experiences with a community in mind. 

  • Love in VR & AI 
  • https://www.ft.com/content/4fab7952-b796-11e9-8a88-aa6628ac896c

This is tinder or bumble on a whole new level. This article was interesting in the sense that it takes AI data to encourage new couples to proliferate. I think this a tricky subject/area. An online persona is sometimes very different from the “real-life” counterpart. I can see this implementation for suggestive purposes but definitely not in a ‘scientific’ or proven sense. Maybe I’m just an old soul, but I definitely prefer meeting people in person and dating in a face-to-face setting rather than an online one. I’m all for meeting someone in whichever platform is best – in fact, I’m a consumer of these apps now and I hope I can meet someone online and it better be the SAME interaction/appearance in person (lol). 

  • Fitness in VR (Entire Home Gym) 
  • https://vrroom.buzz/vr-news/health-fitness/create-entire-home-gym-oculus-quest

This is an iteration of VR fitness that I don’t see taking off anytime soon. Mirror was a great example of how VR/AR can be implemented in the fitness market, but I think workout applications within the Oculus Quest is a bit more cumbersome. I definitely can’t imagine working out comfortably if I were wearing a headset and using two handheld controllers. What makes Mirror so much more successful in my eyes is the headset free interface and interaction. You are free and fully capable of using equipment you are used to and it almost feels like a personal trainer rather than an app or a game. 

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