In this recitation, I chose to use a photosensitive resistor to control the brightness of the picture, but the effect was not obvious. The pictures are of Hobbits.
PImage img; void setup() { size(600, 404); PImage photo; img = loadImage("hobbit.jpg"); tint(0,0,255,150); point(mouseX,mouseY); } void draw() { for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { int size = int( random(1, 20) ); int x = int( random(img.width) ); int y = int( random(img.height) ); // get the pixel color color c = img.get(x, y); // draw a circle with the color fill(c); ellipse(x, y, size, size); } } void mousePressed() { point(mouseX,mouseY); }
int photocellPin = 2; // 光敏电阻连接模拟端口【A2】 int ledPin = 13; // LED灯连接数字端口【D13】 int val = 0; // 存储光敏电阻值的变量 void setup() { // 打开并设置串口 Serial.begin(9600); // 设置数字端口ledPin用于输出 } void loop() { val = analogRead(photocellPin); // 读取光敏电阻的值 //在串口输出val的值 用于调试时使用 Serial.println(val); if(val<=112){ digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); }else{ digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } }
This article uses light and shadow to realize human interaction, which inspires me how to use multimedia in the project, such as using sound as a medium to trigger the interaction between the user and the machine.