Recitation 10: Workshops – Sagar Risal


Arduino Kit 



I chose to do the serial communication workshop in this recitation, where we reviewed serial communication between Arduino and Processing as well as learned how to use maps in our code, and what are some of the benefits of it. Serial communication will be a big part of my project, since I need to be able to have Arduino speak to Processing, as well as have Processing speak to Arduino, which is why I thought it would be a good idea to review this information. Map seemed to be a very useful function, but I don’t think it would be that useful for my specific project, we went over how it could be used in different ways but none of them matched up in the way in which I could use it for my own project, but it was still a good way to see how maybe I could put into my project and test out different elements in what I want to do. 

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