
The code for the Arduino:

void setup() {

void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0) / 4;


The code for processing:

import processing.serial.*;

Movie myMovie;
Serial myPort;
int valueFromArduino;
void setup() {
  size(480, 480);
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[ 1 ], 9600);
  myMovie = new Movie(this, "dancing.mp4");;
void draw() {
  image(myMovie, 0, 0);

  while (myPort.available()>0) {
    valueFromArduino =;
  if (valueFromArduino >= 0 && valueFromArduino< 100) {
  } else if (valueFromArduino >= 110 && valueFromArduino< 180) {
    filter(POSTERIZE, 6);
 // tint(255, 0, 0); 

recitation9(the video)

What I learned:

  1. To show the movie I need to put image(myMovie, 0, 0);  in front the code for the filter to show the movie.
  2. By setting dividing the value from Arduino into different rages, and setting in the filter, the potentiometer can control the color of every pixel to change the movie into different color while playing.

Reading Response:

When reading the article, I feel that Computer vision algorithms can catch some very detail changes of the human movement which greatly strengthens the interaction of the project. I was really impressed by the the Contact interaction, it provide my a diverse way(catch the orientation of a person’s gaze and the facial impression) of how can this technology actually be used in a project to make good interaction. Also the LimboTime game show how greatly Computer vision algorithms can affect the users’ interaction which make me think that I should think more about in what way can I use the technology I learn to make good interaction, I should stand from a user perspective when working. Also another point this article really impress me is the technology is more like a tool to support a good interaction. Just like the writer said the Videoplace was developed before Douglas Englebart’s mouse became the ubiquitous desktop device, the widespread technology is not the most important part contributes to a successful project. The technology is to make the communication between people easier and sometimes create a new way for people to know each other more. It make me think that the technology I used may not achieve the goal which is to interact with the users because the response I gave back to the user doesn’t make the communication continuous. The user may feel boring and don’t want to participate more. Next time, I should consider technology as a tool to strengthen the interaction but not to create fancy effect which is not that interactive.

Source: Levin, Golan. “Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and Techniques for Novice Programmers.” AI & Society, vol. 20, no. 4, 2006, pp. 462-482.

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