Final Project Essay, By Megan See


  1. “Are You Going to be a Criminal?/Check your Assumptions”

My partner Ashley and I decided to make a project called “Are You Going to be a Criminal?/Check your Assumptions.” 


Our project is going to be based on criminal justice and informing people of the realities of criminals and the system. It is an interactive video game project that will include quizzes and activities asking the user “what is a criminal” and questions about topics that most people are misinformed about. We want our users to be more informed and then rethink the assumptions and prejudices they have made in the past. Being well informed, our users will be safer as well as more likely to help improve the current situation of the justice system.



 We will be using Processing and Arduino to make our project. The game and quizzes will be made and displayed on the screen through processing. We will have many physical ways for users to take this quiz using Arduino, for example,  we will put them in a situation, and if they think the criminal turn a doorknob(and have them turn the potentiometer), bang on the door(pressure sensor), or ring the doorbell (button plus a buzzer.) We will animate and include different graphics and pictures to make the project more engaging with the user. We will use functions with the keys and mouse to interact with the code. Although we want the user to enjoy the game, we want them to take it seriously since it is a real issue, so we plan to use simple but sophisticated colors and physical attributed to make it seem more polished. In our display, we will use digital fabrication, both 3D printing, and laser-cutting, to make the project as appealing to the user as we can.


This project focuses on a specific issue but will be useful for a wide range of people. What we are informing people about is something commonly overlooked, and gives others that aren’t directly involved a closer look at what really goes on.  We will ask about what the user thinks makes it likely for a person to commit a crime based on family history, personalities, and physical attributes.  When the quiz and other activities are completed, we will inform them of the misconceptions they hold of criminals, the criminal justice system, and how to recognize these traits. We will show statistics of what people commonly think about a certain topic versus what the real statistics are. The end goal of the game will be to have people rethink their assumptions about criminals and be more interested in helping to improve the system. 

works cited  ~ a “Nonprofit journal about criminal justice”

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