Assignment 5: Multi 3D Objects (Tina)

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I originally wanted to make a scene with different types of desserts, but after adding the first cake model, I found it was really hard to get the correct color I wanted to apply. I tried to use the mappr and other color-controlling patches, but the results weren’t very satisfying. 

Then I think the color-changing “cake” looks 1more like instead. Therefore, I add a 1EASEMAPPR as the background, and make the “cake” as well as some randomly changing lines move on the top. I will try to go further in discovering how to adjust the color and moving mode as I plan.


The video: 1

The reason why this assignment is so challenging is that it is really hard to understand the very specific function of each statement. I go through the patch we have done in the class, also I look at some sample codes. Through this I understand some of the functions. In the following weeks, I really should spend time exploring more, and I think this part will be very useful in the final project.

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