Week11 Assignment: Exploration on deepDream — Crystal Liu


This week we have learned BigGan and deepDream and I have done some exploration on BigGan in the class. Thus, for this week’s assignment I choose to explore more about deepDream. I met some errors when I train the model. One is that I ran the python script without installing keras and tensorflow so that I couldn’t run the script. The other one is that I didn’t change the a+=b to a=b+. After I changed that, the model could run successfully.


This is my original image:

The default version looks like this:

Then I changed the step from 0.01 to 0.1 and the result looked vague.

The next step I changed the number of scales from 3 to 6 and the result looked like this: it looked more like the original one except for the ring in the middle.

Then I changed the size ratio from 1.4 to 1.8 and the result looked like this:

Then I changed the max-loss and found this change doesn’t have great effect on the result:

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