Final Project Proposal – Tya Wang (rw2399) grouping with Ketong Chen

  1.  “The Epic of Us”
    This idea is to make a two-player game in a model landscape made with cardboards and LEDs. The entire map would be an engaging large one so that people can walk around it. On the model landscape, the scenery would go from primary and backwards to modern and bright. In between the scenery, there is a path, and dozens of LEDs would be place along it to represent steps. Users will then take turns to throw a dice in the processing program, and take the steps forward according to the numbers he/she gets. The two players would be role-playing the leader of two countries, and arriving at certain points will give them weapons that can be used to attack the other user’s kingdom. The users will be told that they win when the other user’s HP gets reduced to 0 to encourage them to bring the other down. And the weapons will evolve from stone knives to swords, then to guns, and finally to something so destructive like hydrogen-bomb as they go along the path to the modern scene. By the time they choose to eliminate the other with such powerful weapons, both the kingdoms will go into ruins, and nobody wins. The idea of this game is to highlight a meaningless arms race between countries, and call upon them to collaborate for the well-being of the whole human race. In the title, the epic of “us” could either be an individual country or the entire world.
  2.  “See from inside”
    We want to make a project that involves two people. They will be looking at two different screens with the same processing program on it. On the program, they will be choosing from the pre-drawn eyes, face shapes, hairstyles, noses, and lips to make a portrait of a person, except that one participant is asked to make a self-portrait but the other is told to make a combination that looks like the other participant. They would be selecting with Arduino devices (like a joystick). After they are done from drawing the other person, they will compare the two portraits with each other to see if the self-portraiter sees the same person as the one the other sees in him/her. My partner and I think that in most cases (where people are serious), people would try their best to reveal nice things in another person, and we want the self-portraiter to see how great he/she is in another’s eye. This is supposed to be a project that promotes diverse criteria for beauty and kindness that tells people to care more about being a person that is great inside and don’t be caught up by how you look outside.
  3.  Revolution
    My partner and I thought about another two-player game that invites each of them into a space where they can’t see the other player. Then, one of the players will be shown an abstract picture and he will be drawing that out with Arduino and processing, but only with straight lines in a limited time. Then, the other user would be shown the work fo the drawer and choose from four random pictures to tell which one the drawer is depicting. Since the users aren’t seeing each other, and they can only communicate through pictures of straight lines, which represents the limitation of technology, we want the users to get a sense of technology is sometimes making communication harder, for example, if the players are face-to-face and can talk their feelings about this picture to one another, thing would be easier. Therefore, we want to remind the audience to pay attention to in-person interaction in real life, because some emotions are never going to be conveyed through digital channels. We want to get the player to think whether the development of technology is an evolution to us or a step back.

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