RAPS Assignment 4 —— Thea(Sang)

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For this assignment, I explored more audios fitters and tried to find suitable filters for different audio resources. For extra layers of synthesized audio, I combine two Sequencers by Stereo Mixer. I used the first Sequencers to make a piece of rhythm and added LPF tried to make it granular. I added more filters on the second Sequencers and produced a piece of continuous music. The overall atmosphere is low, which can match the black and white video. Besides, I add some filters to make it “playable” and change its volume. Thus, it can not only be pointed out from the background music but also is not so abrupt.

This is an extra layer of synthesized audio.

 These are playable audio filters

For the video, I slightly changed the proportion of three videos and their darkness.

The overall patch:

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