In this recitation, we needed to use functions, arrays and somethings else we’ve learned to make a sketch. And here’s the code and screen recording of the one I made.
Question 1:
The loop will only run once if put into setup(), but it’ll keep looping over and over again if put in draw().
Arrays can store lists of value for later usage, and we can find and change the exact value of a parameter by using it. I think I’ll use it the same way as I use it now, but it might be more useful when doing some more complicated projects in the future.
float[] x = new float[100]; float[] y = new float[100]; color[] c = new color[100]; void setup(){ size(700,700); background(255); for (int i =0; i<y.length;i++ ){ x[i]=int(random(width)); y[i]=int(random(height)); c[i]=color(int(random(200,250)),int(random(100,155)),int(random(100,150))); } } void draw(){ for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ smiley(x[i],y[i],c[i]); if(x[i]>width || y[i]>height){ y[i]-= random(-3,0); x[i]-= random(-3,0); } else { y[i]+= random(-3,3); x[i]+= random(-3,3);}} } void smiley(float x, float y,color c) { noStroke(); fill(c); circle(x,y,100); circle(x,y+50,20); fill(255); circle(x-20,y-25,12); circle(x+20,y-25,12); arc(x,y-5,50,50,0,PI); strokeWeight(5); stroke(c); line(x,y+50,x,y+200); }