Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Shuyang Cai

Circuit 1: Fade




As we have tried to build this circuit during the class, this task was quite easy. We successfully built it during the recitation without difficulty.

Circuit 2: toneMelody





For circuit 2, the schematic is quite simple, but we had a problem when trying to upload the program in Arduino. It showed that the program is overdue and failed to upload the program. Finally, after the assistance of a teaching fellow, we realized that it was because we forgot to change to the correct port. Once we fixed this mistake, the circuit started working. According to this experience, we should always make sure to change to the board and the port before uploading the program.

Circuit 3: Speed Game





Compared to the previous two circuits which we built rather smoothly, this one is much harder. It took us some time to figure out how the electricity flows through the circuit and we made several mistakes during the process. Firstly, when we finished building the circuits and connect it to the computer, we found that the LEDs on the Arduino board did not light up, which indicates that we might have a short circuit. After checking the circuits, we found that we connected wires with the wrong leg of the switch. However, when we were testing the circuit, we found the LEDs on the Arduino board glittered as we push the button, which is another sign of short circuit. Therefore, we had to check the circuit again. It turned out that we have connected the wires to the wrong end of the resistor. After correcting the mistake, we tried to run the program for the third time, and luckily we succeed.

Question 1:

The use of technology in daily life and on the circuits are very important, for it is something that helps make our ideas true. Technology is an indispensable part of interaction because it enables us to control the interaction and make it do what we want. However, interaction should always be at the center of innovation. From my perspective, interaction means communication between human and machine. For example, people use their sense organs to either receive information from the machine or give instructions. And machines, in return, after inputting and process, output information that can be received by human sensory.

Question 2:

I will use them as streetlights and put them near roads and avenues. The LEDs might have different colors according to different weather or different time of the day. They can also be used to show the speed of the cars. For example, if cars exceed the speed limit, the LEDs will turn red. They might be used as early warnings as well. When there are cars coming from the opposite lane, the LED will glitter so as to warn drivers to pay attention.

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