Recitation 5: Processing Basics by Yifei LI

In this recitation, we used processing to draw a picture. I chose the one called T1 by artist  László Moholy-Nagy as the motif. Because I thought this painting looks really nice and simple, like three planets in the universe.


I thought this would be easy since the painting doesn’t have complex symbols. But I was wrong. I tried to make it look exactly the same as the painting, but I had many problems adding the details. I didn’t know how to add texture nor the gradients. So my sketch lacks many details, which makes it look too plain. Locating the symbols was hard as well, especially when you don’t know where they need to be exactly. Except for all the details, other parts generally look similar to the motif.

I think it’ll be better to use it if you’ve already had a sketch and known the coordinations, which will save a lot of time. Processing can be very efficient in drawing complex and repetitive images, as the computer can finish it quickly. But using code to paint is still different from using your own hands to draw. The latter one is more direct and easier to control.

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