Recitation 5: Processing Basics – Sagar Risal


Processing App

Processing Basics:

In this recitation we explored how to make a drawing in Processing. I thought this would be a simple enough project, but in reality it was a lot more difficult than I expected. Just the process of making a semicircle in the way you wanted to, required looking at the graph differently to be able to read the circle angles correctly. The picture I chose was of this cartoon dog. 

I thought the dog was cute and that it would be a simple enough drawing to try to make on my first time using Processing. I realized very quickly that instead of making the whole dog I could only make the head, due to my limited capabilities. This made me write out the specific shapes I was going to need to piece the dog’s head together. This method helped me look at making the dog’s head in a less complicated way and made me understand that it’s easier to make a sketch if you do it piece by piece instead of thinking how you can do it all at once. 

website of the original picture: 

Artist: “Sudowoodo” 

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