Week 5: ‘Photosynth’


The TED Talk was extremely exciting for the future of collective memory and 3Dimensional Memory Mapping. The concepts that Aguera y Arcas presented about the Seadragon software and multispatial resolution mapping is interesting and highly usable. I’d love the see the direction ‘Photosynth’ takes – the ability to reconstruct images in a 3dimensional manner using collected data/memories from people is INCREDIBLE! 

It would take some time but the ability for software to grow and develop with its users and through user interaction is the future of digital imaging. He referred to this concept as ‘cross-modal’ and ‘cross-user social experience’. The main problem that they may run into is the fact that the software is dependent on the number of users and collected data. If the data is insufficient, they will be unable to reconstruct these incredibly accurate spatial analyses. 


What I noticed from taking a quick dive in the publications by the 4 various authors is an ongoing trend of 3Dimensional Visualization methodologies using various technologies that were developed over time.

If we take a look at Blaise Aguera y Arcas these particular trends were:

1.) Interfaces/Spatial Imaging
2.) User-Generated/Collective Memory
3.) Assisted Searches 

Richard Szeliski

1.) 3Dimensional 
2.)Image Based

Noah Snavely

2.)3D/2D Construction/Reconstruction

Steve Seitz

1.)3Dimensional Spaces

From a brief search, the people working on the project are all quite adept at digital imaging and mapping in a 3Dimensional perspective. The future of ‘Photosynth’ is bright (at least I’m hoping it is)!

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