Group Research Project Individual Reflection. By Feifan Li

Reflection on Group Research Project

The research

Inspired by Crawford’s article “What Exactly is Interactivity,” my definition of “interaction” involves a clear input, a processing procedure of the input and an output that is different from the original input. The initiator of the input can be humans, animals or other live objects, and they can consciously or unconsciously devote their input. The input can be in many forms (motion, sound, temperature, hormone…), and it will be identified and processed into information that computers/machines can understand. After the processing the computers/machines would “understand” that input and generate an output that responds to the input. The output is generally different from the original input and serves as a feedback about the input.

In my research, one project that aligns with my definition is “Hertzian Landscapes” by Richard Vijgen, which is essentially about a live visualization of a radio spectrum. This project includes a digital receiver which receives frequencies generated by human activity (input). Users can position themselves in front of the installation as if they are tuning the radio with their body. Then the frequencies received are processed and a live visualization of the radio spectrum would appear on a panoramic electromagnetic landscape (output). If the user keeps moving, it feels like walking through the spectrum. This aligns with my definition because it clearly involves the 3 elements in my definition: input, processing, output. And the feedback (changing spectrum) is different from the original input (human motions).

link here:

One project that does not align well with my definition is called  “the bomb.” It is essentially a nuclear experience simulation where the audience is immersed in an artistic environment which features nuke-related films and live music. It is aimed to show the terrible consequences of using nuclear weapon. In the experience, the audience is engaged with a band called The Acid, and it can be an interactive experience since it is live performance, but there seems no clear input from the audience, although they might feel greatly impressed or moved by the performance. Therefore, this project does not align perfectly with my definition although it is very interesting itself.

link here:

Our Project

My group members and I discussed our definitions of “interaction” and came up with a design called “Watch α.” It can be conveniently worn on the wrist and sense chemicals, hormones, voices/sounds, lighting and many health inputs of the user like heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, breath rate and so on. This is the input in our definition of interaction. Then the sensors will send the inputs to a modem which will process the inputs and translate and assess the information. Then it will instruct the smart kitchen at home to make corresponding food depending on different situations. The modem does the processing job and the food is the final output. For example, when the user feels sick with a cold, the sensor would send the user’s health information to the modem which will process it, and the smart kitchen would make a chicken soup.

the prototype

In retrospect, we did a good job presenting our design and this project aligns with my definition of interaction well because it generates helpful feedback about the user’s unconscious input. With modern technology humans do not have to bother to input some data to instruct the machine, the machine can sense it for us and produce what we need. My group members and I believe that this is an interesting form of interaction which is suitable for those “lazy” people.

The specific form and function of the device we make might change as technology evolves, but the key concept behind it – interaction – will remain central to the user experience. Because people just love the feeling of interaction. Whenever people devote an input, a completely different form of output can be achieved through some processing. This feedback system gives people a sense of fulfillment. Perhaps because humans are inherently social, the interaction between humans and others, be it interpersonal communication or human-machine interaction, is central to our daily life. Understanding the mentality behind people’s fascination with “interactive experience” can help us develop better projects that meet our needs and satisfy our desires.

Works Cited

Crawford, “What Exactly is Interactivity,” The Art of Interactive Design,  pp. 1-5.

Visnjic, Filip. “Hertzian Landscapes – The interactive space of a radio spectrum.” Creative Applications Network.

“An Experience at the Heart of Nuclear Annihilation” VICE.

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