Recitation Two: Arduino Basics by Justin Wu

Lab Date: Feb 22, 2019

Instructor: Marcela

Lab Partner: Julie Huang

All Materials:

1x Arduino Uno: Houses all inputs and serves as power channel for the breadboard (output)

1x USB A to B cable:  Connects the Arduino computer program to the Arduino Uno. Used to transmit codes.

1x Breadboard: A construction base for connecting components.

1x Buzzer: Creates beeping sound when there is an electric current flow.

2x LED: Omits light when connected to a power source

2x 220-ohm Resistor: To reduce current flow

2x 10k oHm Variable Resistor (Potentiometer): To change resistance in a closed circuit.

2x Push Button Switch: A switch that is able to connect the whole circuit when pressed

2x Arcade Button: A soldered button that is able to connect the whole circuit when pressed.

A handful of Jumper Cables: To connect components and pieces.

1x Multimeter: Measures voltage, resistance, and current.

Circuit One:

Circuit One Components:

1x Arduino Uno: Houses all inputs and serves as power channel for the breadboard (output)

1x USB A to B cable:  Connects the Arduino computer program to the Arduino Uno. Used to transmit codes.

2x LED: Omits light when connected to a power source

2x 220-ohm Resistor: To reduce current flow

A handful of Jumper Cables: To connect components and pieces.

1x Breadboard: A construction base for connecting components.

How to ground?

We forgot to connect an additional ground cable to the other ā€œgrounding cableā€ that was connected to the LED light. Therefore while we had most of the circuit complete, the missing grounding cable led to an incomplete circuit.

Circuit Two:

Circuit Two Components:

1x Arduino Uno: Houses all inputs and serves as power channel for the breadboard (output)

1x USB A to B cable:  Connects the Arduino computer program to the Arduino Uno. Used to transmit codes.

1x Breadboard: A construction base for connecting components.

1x Buzzer: Creates beeping sound when there is an electric current flow.

A handful of Jumper Cables: To connect components and pieces.

How to organize the cables?

My partner and I tried to create a clean and tidy breadboard. We carefully color coordinated the cables, red for power, black for ground, white and yellow for connecting to the buzzer. Other than organizing the cables, this circuit was easy to make.

Circuit Three:

Circuit Three Schematic:

Displaying IMG_1886.jpg

Circuit Three Components:

1x Arduino Uno: Houses all inputs and serves as power channel for the breadboard (output)

1x USB A to B cable: Connects the Arduino computer program to the Arduino Uno. Used to transmit codes.

A handful of Jumper Cables: To connect components and pieces.

1x Buzzer: Creates beeping sound when there is an electric current flow.

1x Breadboard: A construction base for connecting components.

2x LED: Omits light when connected to a power source

2x Push Button Switch: A switch that is able to connect the whole circuit when pressed

2x 220-ohm Resistor: To reduce current flow

2x 10k oHm Variable Resistor (Potentiometer): To change resistance in a closed circuit.

Complex circuit?

The complex diagram confused my partner and me, as we started from the top of the diagram, we eventually forgot to ground and power our breadboard. Upon consulting the teacher assistants we realized we made an amateur mistake. Although we had carefully constructed this circuit, we did not power up or ground our entire circuit hence the game could not register.

Question 1:

After reading the text, it got me thinking about my daily technology use. Whenever I use any form of technology, and while I was building the circuits, I only think about the input and the output. However, the article reminds us to think deeper between our interaction with computers. Besides the input and output, for a communication to be complete, there must also be a processor. By having a computer program process choices and respond accordingly, it helps connect our input and output.  In my opinion, although the effort we put in and the result we receive is essential,  the processor is the component that glues interaction together.

Question 2:

If I had 100,000 LEDs at my disposal, I would use these lights to create bigger and better plants. Although LED lights are more expensive, it helps create a better environment for human beings. By using LED lights, there will be less waste, better efficiency. These factors will help counter the severe climate change we all face right now. By using LED lights to grow plants, I am contributing and investing in a better future for everyone.

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