Group Project Reflection–Ketong Chen

  The definition of interaction for me is a cyclic process that requires at least two objects (both animate and inanimate are accepted) individually has its input-analyze-output. Simply, each part included in the process need to be able to react when receiving different types of signal, no matter the relationship is easy or complex. As mentioned by Crawford, the refrigerator example shows the value of the interaction exits in the moment someone feels connections-engagement, entertainment and so on(Crawford, 4).

  One project I found doesn’t align with my definition is the Ethical Things – The mundane, the insignificant and the ‘smart’ (things)

I’m not saying the whole process of the project does not align with the definition. The fan can serve a certain group of people by setting ethics and it can detect and decide who is the target.  When it faces a doubt, it requires a “worker” to help it to do the decision.  First, the cyclic process doesn’t appear much for the only thing people do is to sit there and enjoy the fan. The input is set by people instead of directly detecting by the fun which shows little spontaneous connection between them. Secondly, when it faces a dilemma, it can’t decide by itself and involves other helpers. Interaction should include meaningful back and forth connections and each express itself clearly.

  One project I found aligns with my definition is Eyewriter which is a tool created by F.A.T. Lab and Graffiti Research labs. It shows the constant connections between one’s eyeball and the device can draw pictures along the movement of the eyeball. It requires the active participation of both the creator and the performer and it fulfills the cyclic process.

  As for the group project, I’m in the “let’s dance” group 5. We met 3 times in total and we discussed and cooperated together. We first came up with some plans which were super cool but didn’t include interaction.  For example, someone said we can create a device that can help us squeeze the liquid left in the paper can. Finally, inspired by the difficulties everyone meet in dance class, we decided to create a device called”jiggy jiggy” which can help to learn how to dance. By wearing the device, it can copy the teachers’ movements exactly and send it to the students’  device which reduces time and energy to learn. The helmet also helps to show the full images of the movement and assist learning. After the performance, I was strongly inspired by the Q&A part. The device can not only be used in dance teaching but also can be used in other fields which requires a copy of movements and position such as the learning of instruments. We should always break the bubbles around us and think actively and to find connections between many areas which seems irrelevant.

We also have a poster! Click here to get in↓

Let’s dance poster

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