Recitation 3: Sensors by Yu Yan (Sonny)


In this recitation, my partner and I built a vibration sensor which can detect vibration and provide output. Despite the original circuit, we also added a buzzer and an LED as the output.


  • Arduino Board
  • Piezo electric disc
  • 1 Megohm resistor
  • 1 Breadboard
  • 1 LED
  • 1 Buzzer
  • Several wires

The Original Circuit:

In the original circuit, we used an Arduino board, a breadboard, a resistor and a Piezo electric disc. When the circuit is working, we opened the serial monitor to check the output. We also changed the threshold value to change the sensor’s overall sensitivity.

Adding Different Outputs

We tried to add an LED as the new output first. The basic circuit stayed the same. The only thing we need to do is to connect an LED with digital pin. When we knocked the Piezo disc, the LED would be turned on and another knock would turn it off.

The second output we tried is a buzzer. The circuit for the buzzer is nearly the same as the LED’s. When we knocked the disc, the buzzer made a sound. 


Question 1:

We intended to assemble a touch board. This circuit can be used as a lamp with a touch board as its switch. Students would use it because there is no noise when you turn it on or turn it off, which could avoid interrupting their roommates. Whenever you use it, you just have to touch the board, and the lamp would be turned on.

Question 2:

A recipe or tutorial provides detailed steps and the materials that you need to make something. If you follow the recipe, you can make a good dish.  But if you make a mistake or forget some ingredients, the taste would change and you cannot make the same dish that you want to. The code is quite similar.  By following the code, the process can run successfully and eventually you can get what you want. However, if you didn’t follow it correctly, you cannot get your desired output.

Question 3:

Computers have provided a lot of convenience to our daily lives. After using the computer, we don’t have to do any calculations, we can get all kinds of information from the Internet, and we can type our ideas or homework down so that pen is not needed anymore. Computers have changed our lives a lot. Without computers, life would be so inconvenient. That’s why I believe the computer influences our human behaviors.

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