Recitation 3: Sensors – Sagar Risal


  • Arduino 
  • Ultrasonic Range Finder
  • Hook up wires

Ultrasonic Range Finder: 

In this recitation I experimented with the ultrasonic range finder, which is a device that is able to detect how far objects are from a certain distance. On the instructions it said that the furthest range it could detect an object moving was 4 meters, so me and my partner decided to test if this was accurate. The range finder was surprisingly very good at detecting the distance between the object and itself, (in this case the object was my partner), but at around 3.2 meters the range finder would lose my partner if they kept moving further back. 


Question 1: 

In my circuit I attempted to assemble the ultrasonic range finder which would be able to tell how far the distance between an object and the sensor is from one another. This could be used in a variety of different ways, but the way I see most common is with automatic doors, since the doors could use the sensor to see if a person is the right amount of distance to trigger the doors to be open. 

Question 2: 

Code is very concrete, there isn’t much you can do to change the commands or what they do, you can only change the way you use those commands. If you use these commands in a certain way you are able to make something, which essentially is very similar to what a recipe is.  

Question 3: 

Computers take a big part away of any incentive to have any type of human interaction. With a computer you can call, email, video chat, with pretty much anyone in the world. There is very little reason to have a one and one meeting since a virtual meeting would cost much less and cause less manual labor that would go into having that meeting. With less human interaction, people will become less and less social with one another and micro-expression and social cues, which we learn from speaking in person, will become things that people will forget or not even learn due to the vast expansion of computers and technology. 

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