Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Anica Yao

This week, I worked with Cathy to build the three circuits in this recitation using our own Arduino Kit. Based on the knowledge we learned in class, we worked on it smoothly.
See our work:

– Fade

– ToneMelody
Although we just need to copy and paste the codes, it’s amazing to see how all the notes are set and how a nice piece of music is created accordingly. 

– SpeedGame
I observed that this is a symmetrical circuit in this 1v1 competition. I really like the push button. It’s also great fun when we open the monitor, see the instructions and restart over and over again! It’s probably the first time I made a game!
One thing i think we need to improve is that we basically follow the photo to connect the circuit and didn’t pay too much attention to the schematic diagram. And it’s a bit difficult for me to think about how it really works or how it shows the testing result through the monitor. 


In my daily life, I enjoy listening to music with my Bluetooth speaker, even with my lamp. With the development of the internet and the Internet of Things, It’s possible to put everything into a conversation and create more interaction with each other. In my comm lab class, I designed a comic art and a net art with my partners, where the audience can interact with the website by clicking or dragging. The computer will listen to your instructions, consider them with the computer language and respond to the audience with various effects. it’s also the case when it comes to the circuits we built in recitation class. There are always two actors, one of which is the input and the other the output. In the third circuit, for example, we will never get to know who won the game without the LED light. 

The button may be burnt out if it’s directly connected to the power, for the current flowing through it will be quite big. The bigger the resistor value it is, the safer the button should be.

If I have 100,000 LEDs of any brightness and color at your disposal, I want to first get every component(like TV, sofa, or stairway) in my home covered with LEDs. Then, I want to get together all the LEDs into a whole circuit and use all the 88 keyboards of my piano as the inputs. All I need to do is to close the light, sit down, and play my favorite piece. When a different note is played, one component in my home will be shining with gorgeous color:)

Big thanks to my partner Cathy, Professor Godoy, and fellows~

2 Replies to “Recitation 2: Arduino Basics by Anica Yao”

  1. Hi Anica,

    Regarding to the question about the 10K resistor, we use it because if we don’t use it we would have a shortcut every time we push the button, without the resistor we would be connecting 5V directly to Ground. We are not going to burn the button, because the button is just two pieces of metal that can touch when we press it to close a circuit.

    check out this video:

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