Recitation 3: Sensors by Amy DeCillis

Moisture Sensor Circuit

moisture sensor example

Question 1: What did you intend to assemble in the recitation exercise? If your sensor/actuator combination were to be used for pragmatic purposes, who would use it, why would they use it, and how could it be used?

Izzy and I assembled the moisture sensor. If it was used in real life, I think the ideal group of people would be gardeners/gardeners who need to know how moist the soil is for their plants/crops. It could be planted in the ground and send updates to users on their phones. 

Question 2: Code is often compared to following a recipe or tutorial.  Why do you think that is?

Code is just like a recipe because it is step by step instructions for the computer to follow. 

Question 3: In Language of New Media, Manovich describes the influence of computers on new media. In what ways do you believe the computer influences our human behaviors?

In today’s world the computer influences almost every aspect of our interactions. I can FaceTime my parents across the world, order food right to my door, and unlock a bike anywhere in the city. I don’t go out without a portable charger out of fear of not being able to pay for drinks, ride the subway, or call a Didi home. Computers certainly have an effect on how we communicate and interact with others, but I think it’s especially evident in Shanghai where we live in a cashless society. 

One Reply to “Recitation 3: Sensors by Amy DeCillis”

  1. Hi Amy,

    in the documentation post you have to document what you did during recitation. Like a recipe for someone else to understand your exercise. Please add photos/videos and anything it is helpful to understand. Also copy and paste your code or use github to upload the code and post a link here. Don’t forget to do this in your next posts.

    For the schematic you should have the value of the resistor you are using, which is 220 ohms.

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