Recitation 02: Arduino basics by Yifei Li

We built three circuits in this recitation: Fade, toneMelody, and speed game,using our own Arduino Kit. The first two were easy, but the last one was relatively harder. We did this in a group of two.


From Arduino Kit:

1 * Arduino Uno
1 * USB A to B cable
1 * breadboard
1 * buzzer
2 * LEDs
2 * 220 ohm resistors
2 * 10K ohm resistors
2 * pushbuttons
A handful of jumper cables

From cart:

2 * arcade buttons

Circuit 1: Fade

this circuit was really easy, so we didn’t run into any trouble.

After finished the original one, we changed the code a little bit to make the LED fade faster.

Circuit 2: toneMelody

This was the second circuit, and it was as simple as the last one. We later put the code into the loop section and then enjoyed the melody again and again.

Circuit 3: Speed game 

obviously this one was way more complicated than the last two, but luckily the diagram was clear enough for us to follow. We spent much time figuring out how the cables went and building it. It became a bit difficult when you need to insert so many cables into the board with all the tiny holes—it was difficult for eyes at least. And when we uploaded the code and found the circuit not working, we realized we forgot to put two cables to their right place. After fixing this, the game started running successfully.

We didn’t have enough time to build Circuit4 after we finished Speed Game, but we did enjoy all the process a lot. We now are certainly more familiar with the circuit and Arduino code.

schematic for this

Question 1:

Interaction is a mutual process. It is about when one does something to another, and the receiver then responds back. In the third circuit, the Speed Game is a good example of interaction. We do input by pressing the button, and the computer processes all the data, at last, it shows the result as output. It is us interacting with the computer.

Question 2:

The 10K resistor has large resistance, so there’s only a small amount of current can pass through, which can protect the circuit from shorting.

Question 3:

I’d like to use them to make a decorative carpet, though I can’t step on it. Its brightness and color will change depending on your mood or temperature.

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