Week3 – Documentation for recitation two – Arduino Basics By Zhuochen Yuan

For this recitation on Sep 20th, what we are doing is about learning to build basic circuits for Arduino after we first get our own Arduino Kit. I’m working with James Bai, my partner.

For the first circuit, the diagram is showed as following

I’ve learned that for all the circuits, I first connect the power and the ground line to the columns on the breadboard with a negative and positive symbol on it, the power to positive, the ground line to negative. For this circuit which is very simple, I only need to connect the LED with a resistor to make its light fade.  And here is the outcome

For the second kit’s diagram

Almost the same as the previous one, I just need to change the pin on the board and change the components to a buzzer, every time I press the reset button on the board will the buzzer make a certain melody which is showed in the following video

For the third one which looks muchh more complicated than the previous two

This board is for a speed game with two buttons on it, when opening the serial monitor in Arduino and restart the board, will restart the game, and the person who press the button to ten times first wins. But there might be problems that the button is not well connected or the LED is not plugged in right. For the first time James and I try the circuit, it turns out that both the LED do not light up no matter who wins, and we change the direction of the green one and the red one, it turns out that when the game starts the green LED is lighting while if player one wins the LED will be turned off which is totally opposite of what we want. So we try to redo the whole thing, and this time the green LED works while nothing happens to the red one, and we change another LED to replace the red one and it works, it is obvious that the red LED is broken for the very first time I use it.

The first trial:

The second trial

For the fourth one, since we have wasted too much time finding out that it is the LED that is broken, and the person beside us is not being cooperative I guess? So we fail to finish the optional one, a little bit pitiful. 🙁

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