Replies to the 16 lessons & VR experience by Ryan Yuan

Most agree:  No.6 Remote work via VR will become the norm

From my perspective, VR is going to be popular in the close future as the VR technology is developing rapidly, and it is very possible to make a simulate working environment using VR technology. By doing this will save a lot of cost not only for the company, but also for the employees. Working just need a VR headset and a handler with a place to use, both at home or in the office.  So either will save a huge space for the company to build to work and the employees can save the time and money spend on transportation and other unnecessary events, or the office building can be much smaller than now as everyone just need to use the VR equipment to work, company might only need to be focus on spaces for entertainment and relax for the employees. Also the problem of huge traffic jam during the rush hours will absolutly be remitted.

Most disagree: No.2 VR may play a bigger role in our future lives than AR

From my perspective, also being subjective, I support AR to be playing a bigger role in our future lives than VR. Even though VR is much more mature than AR now, but I believe the application of AR will be much broader than VR as it can be carried with someone and react with the surrounding environment realtime. Remote working is also possible using AR as you might just need a table or something like a board can AR set it as a office table and develop virtural working environment based on it. So comparing the mobility, AR is far better than VR, when you walk out, everything in your eyes through a AR headset will automatcially pop up an information window beside it showing any information or news related to it, for example, showing the realtime stock of an enterprise when you walk pass its building or advertisement. Also talking about intelligent home, using a AR might have a window on the interface showing the realtime data of your house, and you can remotly control it at your will.

VR experience

I only successfully experienced the BBC Spacewalk using HTC Vive Pro, the user experience is perfect, with a headphone giving me a surrounded feeling makes the VR scene more like reality to me. I’m experiencing as an astronaut in the application, my mission is to fix the space station, and by using controller can I feel like using the real hand of the astronaut to climb on the space station. And when I am floating in the space due to the explotion of the space station, the scene that the astronaut is floating everywhere really gives me a sense of dizziness. Everything is too real. I also want to try the PSVR but due to technological reason, I did not make it.

Review of the Kevin Kelly AR article

What the author has mentioned about the mirrorworld is to create another digitized ourselves in the AR world, also if everything can be digitized and be labeled in the AR world, the information we can gain by watching through a AR device will be far more than now. This is an achievable future but still need time.

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