MLNI – Mock Presentation (Tiger Ronan)

Because I’m interested in artificial “creativity”. After looking into visuals my first reaction was to look into music.  I was very inspired when I watched a video explaining how to train a model to produce original music.  This new concept of controlled original music production made me think about its possible applications.  

Music is a fundamental part of entertainment in the modern-day. There are numerous ways of consuming audio content, most of all, the combination of live music and other visual forms of art can be interesting under the assistance of a machine learning algorithm. 

My first Idea is combining AI generated music with live choreographers. And using visual recognition to track the dancer’s movement as input to generate new music, synchronize lights and produce live visuals on a large screen behind the performer.

By installing such a system, the performing artist can use his or her body to command much more space and convey much more emotion. Thereby delivering a more stunning performance for the audience.  

For example, when the dancer is moving in a fluid and slow way the music combined with light would be able to express the same feeling. On the contrary, if the artist’s performance is based on large bold movements, the computer would decide to play music and arrange light sequences in an according way.

With the combination of lasers or a “light suit”a similar effect can be achieved on a bigger scale.

My second idea is connecting live Electronic music events (raves) with neutral networks. I drew inspiration from hologram concerts of fictional or dead artists. Hologram concerts of dead artists are great because it draws an audience from a strong existing fanbase. 

Neural networks can recreate an artists voice so that he can interact with the audience live. An example of enhancing these events would be to play the artists original music and mixing in music created by the neural network. 

Just like real artists playing their new music in live events. So can a dead Ai artist like Advicii.  It would be as if he never passed away. 

Cameras with visual recognition can also be installed to oversee the crowd and understand if the crowd likes the music or not and do live adjustments catering towards a better crowd response.

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