MLNI Week 2 Rain Sketch (Jessica)


For this homework assignment, I decided to make a simple rain drawing with spinning raindrops. 

I didn’t have too many issues while doing this assignment. The beginning was a little difficult because it’s been a while since I’ve used p5 but going over how to use it in class was helpful. I had to google what some lines of code meant such as scale() and how to use rotate() but I figured out what to write after looking on the p5 website.

However, I did have trouble figuring out why my raindrops weren’t being drawn initially, but remembered that the code is read and run through from top to bottom. Initially, I had my code drawing the ellipse for the raindrops first, then all the following transformation function and display functions. But once I placed ellipse() last, multiple raindrops were drawn. 

In the future if I were to return to this, I would have the raindrops falling so that it would be more realistic, rather than them just spin in place. I would also try and draw them into a more raindrop-like shape. 

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