Week 2 MLNI – Partner Presentation (Jessica)

Project: Semi-Conductor

Link: https://semiconductor.withgoogle.com/

Partner: Eszter Vigh


The project is a musical conductor simulator where the way you conduct affects how the “orchestra” plays. The fast you move your arms, the fast the music plays. You can also control the volume by either crouching or raising your body. Lastly, you’re able to control which side of the orchestra you want to play based on you turning left or right. 

Beneficial Aspects

You’re able to use your whole body as the control, and several aspects of it such as position on the screen and how your body is turned, not just arm movement. This helps make the experience more immersive and is another example of technology moving towards “Zero-UI”.

Technology Applied

Eszter and I discussed the possibilities of how this technology can  be used and one of the ideas we talked about was how this could be used not just as a game, but also as a way to help deaf students learn how to conduct, by training their sense of rhythm since there is a more visual cues based on a users actions. Music aside, we believe this technology could also be used as part of a sports-related game or training, and part of presentations in large lecture rooms. 

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