Week 02: ml5js Experiment – Eric Li


ML5 is a user-friendly machine learning framework that is for users who are new to ml field. It covers easy-to-use models and examples.  Among these models, I want to point out the BodyPix model.

What it is?

BodyPix can do segmentation on human body pictures. Instead of simply cutting the figure out of the overall picture, it can also detect every single part of the human body like the arms, legs, and head (it can even tell right and left!). 

Thus, this model can be a good replacement with Kinect. We can use it to track the user’s hand or head positions.

In addition, this model can track multi-people in one scene, which means that it can fire some better performance in terms of complicated and multi-users gesture detection.

body p[ix demo

Above is a demo of the BodyPix model where you can see that it detects the different parts of the human body and colored them separately. 

Potential Usecase

One thing comes into my mind is like the smart danmuku like Bilibili and Netflix where the comments or subtitle will not block characters in the scene.

Also, this cloud serve as a replacement of Kinect as I have mentioned before. 

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