Recitation 2 by Rodrigo Reyes

1)Reflect how you use technology in your daily life and on the circuits you just built. Use the text Physical Computing and your own observations to define interaction.

Technology is a term that could be used broadly and can encompass many human innovations. I guess technology can be the lamp in my room,  my air purifier, my alarm, my computer and even simple things like my multicolored pen. In a way, much around me is technology, whether it uses electronics or not, and whether I can interact with it or not.   With that being said, my life is surrounded and fully impacted by technology. I had never actually stopped to think about how all electronics operate, but after building the circuit and connecting the little speaker, I can not stop thinking about how the electronic things around me operate.  According to the text Physical Computing, there are three basic elements in interaction: Input, Output, and Processing. These three are needed in order to form an interaction. From what I saw with the little speaker, I interacted with it. I clicked on the button and there was a response to my action embodied through sound. Although simple and barely processed it counts as an interaction. A more complex interaction would probably be Siri on my phone because in a more complex way it processes the input and gives a sufficiently smart response as an output.

Question 2:

Why did we use the 10K resistor with the push button?

We used a resistor to resist the energy that was flowing to control the flow, and this way ensure the circuit was safe for the beep alarm to not be destroyed. 

Question 3:

If you have 100,000 LEDs of any brightness and color at your disposal, what would you make and where would you put it?

I would not use it unless the energy came from a source that uses renewable energy. Assuming I was using sustainable energy I would install the number of LEDS available in public hospitals in countries in Central America. 

Here I attach some pictures of the circuit bell.

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