Individual reflection Team project_ Kalkidan Fikadu

Our team worked on Persuasive, Commercial and problem-solving.

User :

  • flexible schedule
  • inconsistent
  • mindful about emotional health

The intention of the Project:

  • To use a trigger to encourage and motivate the User to have the ability to perform  a target behavior, in this case, regular meditation

Product name:




Inspiration: we took our inspiration from videos we watched in class on tiny habits that can be attached to our routine activities

We started out by doing research about meditation, Since our agenda is commercial we want to first study the profitability of the field.

Our findings indicated that the meditation market is experiencing strong growth over the past decade. Around 18million people in the US have used meditation at least once. We also did research on when it is good to meditate, and various meditations blogs recommended morning meditation schedule since the mind is fresh and quite after we wake up.

To connect our product, which first started out as a toothbrush guided meditation audio player, we did some research on how effective it is to meditate while brushing our teeth. We found a few guided meditations that are related to practicing mindfulness. To make our product more inclusive and also applicable outside of the bathroom, where may people brush their teeth, we decided to move the speaker from the toothbrush to the toothbrush dock. The toothbrush dock inanition to charging the toothbrush, when the user places back the toothbrush after brushing his/her teeth, it will start playing guided meditation audio. The audio provides the user with the proper environment to meditate

The product has four main functions :

  • Timer
  • Speaker for audio
  • on/off button charging dock

In the prototyping stage, we drew visuals and sketches that closely represented the toothbrush and the dock.

A commercial advertisement video and a slogan were created to show the functionality of the product and attract the user to the product.

Different packaging designs potential areas of expansion were proposed for future research.

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