Class Workshop reflection2: Cats and their food bowl_Kalkidan Fikadu

In this workshop, teams are required to interchangeable work and design an enchanted object with discursive agenda and goal of increasing performance.

The first step to design was determining the problem statement. My team’s problem statement was about protecting and feeding stray cats.

After writing our problem statement we exchanged our workplace with a second team and started discussing solutions for the problem statement they second team wrote. Their problem statement was about how to effectively clean cat wet eating bowl. We came up with various solutions, some of the solutions we proposed were: an automatic fluid vacuum cleaner and a sink bowl that can pass fluids through. Next, we moved to the second team’s workspace. Their problem statement was feeding cats in a timely manner. Based on their problem statement, we designed a model which has a button a cat can reach and touch. When it starts it gets food to the cat’s bowl. After the cat finishes eating the model cleans the bowl. This workshop was thought-provoking and interesting. We weren’t limited by resources or material, we just came up with ideas and tried to implement them.

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