Recitation 10: Media Controller by Karen Zhang

For this recitation, again we combine processing and Arduino together to make our own art project. I use the image of Pikachu and I plan to resize it by using the potentiometer.

Even though it is not a difficult task, I still meet lots of problems. First, I built the circuit with two potentiometers since I think each of them can control the width and height. However, I gradually realize that two potentiometers can cause problems since the width and height cannot change simultaneously. And the size of that image would be wrong. So actually only one potentiometer is needed and that is enough. Second, I use the wrong function at first. With the help of Katie, I start to use the function of resize. Finally, my image of Pikachu is able to get bigger or smaller while turning my potentiometer.



In the end, I think it is very interesting to read ” Computer Vision for Artist and Designers.” It gives me a lot of insights on how algorithms allow computers to make intelligent assertions about digital images and video.  Even though resizing is a simple technique, it becomes easier with the help of computer programming. In the meanwhile, the computer system offers more opportunities to create art.

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