Unconventional Design Final Proposal

Hawaiian Futurism 

Framework: Speculative

Agenda: Discursive

Goal: Identity

The recent success of movies, such as Marvel’s Black Panther, have brought Afrofuturism to the forefront of popular culture. Afrofuturism is an aesthetic rooted in African Diaspora culture and futurism. It strives to present a possible alternative future for African society that is not hindered by centuries of colonialism. This presents an interesting opportunity for communities that were/are kept under oppressive rule to construct their own narrative, one that is not dictated by past or current circumstances.

Black Panther Concept Art

The history of Hawaii is fraught with colonial intervention. As a result it has had a significant impact on contemporary Hawaiian culture and economics. I would like to create a project that attempts to portray a future for Hawaii that successfully melds traditional culture, the natural environment, and possible technological progress. This could be achieved through a series of posters similar to NASA’s Visions of the Future project. Their goal was to stimulate enough interest so that people may be motivated to take an active role in humanity’s space exploration. Similarly, I’d hope to create an image series that inspires action among the people of Hawaii.

Visions of the Future Kepler – 186F

Alternatively, I’d like to look at traditional Hawaiian agriculture and create a device that improves the experience while also upholding cultural values. Tasks such as fertilizing, planting, and harvesting lo’i (taro) patches could be greatly improved upon however, the challenge would be maintaining a certain level of respect for traditional principles. For example, the relationship between man and the land is revered as one of the most important covenants. How can this connection be upheld with technology working as an intermediary?

Manual fertilization of Lo’i Patch

The presence of agriculture in Hawaii has dwindled significantly over time however, it is often cited as a possible solution to many of the state’s issues. For example, Hawaiian (ethnic group) people have a higher predisposition to cardiometabolic diseases making foods such as kalo (taro) extremely beneficial to the population’s health (Vukovich).


NASA’s Visions of the Future

Can Taro Farming Heal Hawaii? by Kim Vukovich

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