Recitation 9: Final Project Process by Karen Zhang

Celine — Break Free

I like the idea that Celine purposes to fight against demons and break from the stress that we have. ā€œBreak Freeā€ is a game of self-empowerment and help the students to overcome their failures of fear. The user will use different hints and clues to figure out the puzzle and successfully break free from the room. However, I think the design of hints and clues can be tricky. I suggest that the clues should not be designed so difficult, otherwise this game can possibly make the students more stressful. Since in my midterm project, we did not focus a lot on the final reward part of the project. So I suggest to Celine that she should also think about the result after the user break from the locked room. What kind of message does the success of breaking free convey to the users? The reward can be shown on the screen or physically appear in front of the users. For example, a gift can appear from a box. Moreover, I also suggest using a joystick instead of potentiometers, since potentiometers sometimes are not so easy to control.

Sharon — A unique mask-changing performance

I appreciate Sharon can bring Chinese culture to her final project. The users are able to experience Sichuan mask-changing performance even though they donā€™t master this skill. And users can record this video. I think first she should think about changing the title of her project. Even though the title is very explicit, it can be clearer and more straightforward. Then, I suggest Sharon should consider using a proper sensor to trigger the process of changing faces, since she did not mention the sensor in her blog post. I suggest that the vibration sensor can be helpful to achieve this process. In terms of multicultural aspects, I also suggest masks with Chinese elements are not enough, she can also add more masks from European dramas.

Alison — Undecided

Alisonā€™s project is really interesting since the project of other people in our group is heavily based on the visual aspect. Alisonā€™s project here is the only project based on a storyline. Her partner designed a storyline for their project, so I think it is really great. The main point of interaction will be made through the use of distance sensors that will record if whether or not the userā€™s hand movements have been detected, continuing their story with ease. For Alison and her partner, I think they have planned everything. Alison is in charge of the code, her partner is in charge of the story. What I purpose is more about the concerns towards the sound effect.


I think the most successful part of your proposal is that each user is able to get an aspect of personalized material and information. Since we demonstrate our definition of interaction can be a process of interaction with uncertainties. Nevertheless, my group members give me a lot of great advice which help to revise my project. Sharon purposes that I should add more results about each type of Pokemon. And Celine says our projects lacks in terms of intractability and encouragement for her to use the project. She suggests making the project into somewhat of a personalized game, where 2 players go through various ā€˜testsā€™ that will determine their pokemon for them. I totally agree with this new idea, but Anna and I think for a long time and decide not to use this. In order to make it more interactive, we add one more stage into our project which can let the user interact with the Pokemon.

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