Rachel Greene’s “A History of Internet Art” describes the details of how internet art (net art) was first created and it’s impact in the digital world. This discovery marked a new age of digital media as well as a new revelation for artists as well. With the internet initially being used as a means of technological work, one at the time may have not expected the internet to also become artistic in the ways of sharing one’s art. For thousands of years art was always shared around through word of mouth or a company would sign you but with the internet, anyone could now become an artists. It’s like of like how musicians back in the day would need to be signed by a label in order to be successful but now as long as they have a laptop and an internet, anyone could really be a successful musician independently without the help of others. I also thought it was interesting for how art suddenly became more collaborative than ever with the help of the internet since art I feel is often viewed as a personal solace for an individual but with the internet, it could be shared much more interchangeably between other users and one would be able to provide direct feedback and critique on one’s own art.