Week 11: Response to “A History of Net Art”- Kyra Bachman

Before reading this article I had not really explored the concept of the meaning of internet art. This article largely discusses the emergence of a new medium of art on the internet, hence the name, in which surrealists are able to express themselves. This form of art first made an appearance in the early 90’s and has since been expanded upon, creating a community where artists communicate by combining an artistic vision with HTML code that links various images, links, emails, etc. together. 

Internet art seems to be an undervalued part of the artistic world. As someone who has taken many art classes growing up, net art is something I had never been exposed to, but something I feel is very powerful. While reading this I was taken aback by how I’d never heard of these artists and the work they had done. One that especially stood out to me was the “VNS Matrix”. Seeing as the women who created this were pioneers in the field, publishing evocative content, I was surprised that I’d never heard of them. This makes me wonder how many other net artists go unrecognized

 In the last few decades, the internet has become instrumental in the workings of individual and societal lifestyle. I think the emergence of internet art speaks volumes on how our use of the internet has changed. When the internet was in its early stages it seems like much of its usage was regimented, morose, and/or commercial. But internet art shows society’s desire for the internet to not only be a one-sided encounter. In the 21st century, the use of technology has become increasingly important, and as Green suggests,  People want more of interactive internet culture, net art is a way to create a deeper mutual understanding amongst individuals.

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